First Days of Spring

Monday, 17 June 2013

We're rarely sure what season we're actual in, in Britain, but lately the the sun has shown itself a few times. Tania (her blog) and I decided to get the most of the weather and do a bit of a photo shoot, she's so beautiful (≧▽≦)

These two are my favourites :3

I've been focusing a lot more on my photography lately, I even made a Facebook page for it (please Like).

Alex Photography

 As well as my photography I've been working on other design work for my portfolio, it's something keep putting off for years I'm going to get it under control this year, I'm also going back to Japan on work next week, so busy XD
I also havn't really posted a picture of myself in ages so here's a cute one of me and Tania, hope you like it :3

Thank you for reading (・Ο‰・)οΎ‰