Giverway ideas

Thursday, 21 June 2012

I just wanted to say another big thank you to all my lovely followers ^_^
I want to try and give something back to all you guys so I'm planning my first giverway!!
I'm going back to Japan tomorrow and I want to pick up a few bits to give away.
The majority of you are lovely ladies, so I'm planning a girly giverway, but I need your help!
Emilie's going to help me go for the right things like eyelashes and stuff but is there anything you want to see in it?
Please leave any thoughts and ideas in the comments, I would really appreciate it.

This is me on my business trips 

I'll be away for a couple of weeks,
but I'll be back soon with a load of new blogs to show you.
Goodbye I'll see you all soon ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ xx

Belated May MCM Expo Blog

Monday, 11 June 2012

I'm really busy planning my summer trip to Japan in a few weeks, which is why a lot of my blogs are a big delayed, but I'm doing my best to catch up.

A few weekends ago was the London MCM Expo. For the first time with my new business sushi noms (website coming soon, but please like us on facebook). It's probably the biggest event we attend and it's my personal favourite.
I've put a few photos bellow of the stand and the event, I hope you enjoy. 

A few photos of our new business sushi noms 

Thank you for looking xx

LM.C + GGA Update

Monday, 4 June 2012

So last week LM.C were playing in London, I’ve liked them for years and they were probably in my top 5 VK/ J-Rock bands I want to see play live.
A group of us were going met up before the gig for purakura and ice cream! 

We went to chin chin laboratory in Camden for nitrogen ice-cream! A lot of friends have been recommending it for ages and it really was amazing!
Loving London at the moment XD

LM.C were perfect but the venue was ridiculously hot ¬_¬ Towards the end of the night the floor was soaked with what I hoped was water but probably not…
----- GGA Update! -----


So I won best hair!?
I look really durpy in my video, I was recovering from flu, bad times -_-;
Thank you for everyone who nominated and voted for me! It seems a few of you guys like what I’m doing ^_~

Another big thank you to all my new followers, I hope I can entertain you and a special thank you to you guys that have been around since the beginning, I love you all xx

I’m catching up on a few blogs before I go back to Japan in a few weeks, I also might be doing a giveaway on my return! More info soon xxx